how do i get rid of mattress odor 3
how do i get rid of mattress odor 3

Imagine waking up every morning to the unpleasant smell lingering from your mattress. It’s not the best way to start your day, is it? But don’t worry, because in this article, we have got you covered with some amazing tips and tricks to help you banish that mattress odor for good. From simple remedies you can find in your kitchen pantry to effective cleaning techniques, we will explore all the solutions to ensure you have a fresh and odor-free sleep every night. Say goodbye to those unwelcome smells and hello to a revitalized and inviting mattress.

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Understanding the Causes of Mattress Odor

Sweat and body oils

One of the primary causes of mattress odor is the accumulation of sweat and body oils over time. When we sleep, our bodies naturally produce sweat and oils, which can seep into the mattress. These substances provide an ideal environment for bacteria to multiply, leading to unpleasant smells.

Accumulated dust and dirt

Another common cause of mattress odor is the buildup of dust and dirt. As we go about our daily lives, these particles can settle on our bedding and mattress. Over time, they can become trapped within the fibers of the mattress, causing a musty smell.

Mold and mildew

If your mattress is exposed to moisture or high humidity, it becomes susceptible to mold and mildew growth. These fungi thrive in damp environments, and their presence can result in a strong, unpleasant odor. Mold and mildew can also pose health risks, so it’s important to address the issue promptly.

Pet dander and urine

For those who share their beds with furry friends, pet dander and urine can contribute to mattress odor. Animal dander, which includes dead skin cells, can accumulate in the mattress and emit an unpleasant smell. Additionally, if your pet has an accident on the bed, the urine can seep into the mattress and create a persistent odor problem.

Spills and stains

Accidental spills and stains on the mattress can also lead to unpleasant odors. Whether it’s a spilled beverage or bodily fluids, these substances can penetrate the mattress and create a lingering smell if not properly cleaned.

Preventing Mattress Odor

Use a mattress protector

One of the best ways to prevent mattress odor is by using a mattress protector. This waterproof cover acts as a barrier, preventing sweat, body oils, and other substances from seeping into the mattress. Additionally, it helps protect against dust mites and allergens, promoting a cleaner and fresher sleeping environment.

Regularly wash sheets and bedding

To keep your mattress smelling fresh, it’s essential to regularly wash your sheets and bedding. This includes pillowcases, duvet covers, and any other items that come into contact with your mattress. By removing accumulated sweat, oils, and dirt, you can prevent these substances from seeping into the mattress and causing odor.

Vacuum the mattress

Regularly vacuuming your mattress can help remove dust, dirt, and allergens that may contribute to odor. Use the upholstery attachment on your vacuum cleaner to thoroughly clean the surface and crevices of the mattress. This simple step can go a long way in maintaining a fresh-smelling bed.

Flip and rotate the mattress

Rotating and flipping your mattress regularly is not only beneficial for its longevity but also helps prevent odor. By alternating sides, you distribute body weight more evenly, reducing the buildup of sweat, oils, and odors in specific areas. Ideally, aim to rotate and flip your mattress every three to six months.

Keep pets off the bed

While many of us love snuggling up with our pets, allowing them on the bed can contribute to mattress odor. Pet dander, fur, and the occasional accident can all seep into the mattress and create unpleasant smells. Consider designating a separate sleeping area for your furry friends to protect the freshness of your mattress.

How Do I Get Rid Of Mattress Odor?

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Removing Odor with Baking Soda

Step 1: Strip the bed

To begin the process of removing odor from your mattress, start by stripping the bed of all sheets, pillowcases, and any other bedding. This will expose the mattress and allow for a thorough cleaning.

Step 2: Sprinkle baking soda

Next, grab a box of baking soda and generously sprinkle it over the entire surface of the mattress. Baking soda is a powerful odor eliminator that can absorb unpleasant smells effectively.

Step 3: Let it sit

After applying the baking soda, let it sit on the mattress for at least several hours, or ideally overnight. This will give it ample time to absorb the odors and moisture trapped within the mattress.

Step 4: Vacuum the baking soda

Using a vacuum cleaner with an upholstery attachment, thoroughly vacuum the baking soda from the mattress. Make sure to reach all areas, including the crevices and seams. The vacuum will lift away the baking soda along with the absorbed odors, leaving your mattress smelling fresh.

Step 5: Enjoy a fresh mattress

After completing these steps, your mattress should be noticeably fresher and free of unpleasant odors. Once you’ve replaced your sheets and bedding, you can enjoy a restful night’s sleep in a clean and fresh-smelling bed.

Using Vinegar to Eliminate Odor

Step 1: Create a vinegar solution

To use vinegar as an odor eliminator, mix equal parts distilled white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. This solution will effectively neutralize odors without leaving behind a strong vinegar smell.

Step 2: Spray the mattress

Lightly mist the vinegar solution onto the surface of the mattress. Be careful not to saturate it, as excessive moisture can promote mold and mildew growth.

Step 3: Blot the mattress

Using a clean cloth or paper towels, gently blot the sprayed areas to absorb any excess moisture. This will help prevent the mattress from remaining damp during the drying process.

Step 4: Air dry the mattress

Allow the mattress to air dry completely before returning any bedding. It’s best to do this in a well-ventilated area with proper airflow to expedite the drying process and minimize any lingering smells.

Step 5: Eliminate vinegar smell

If you’re bothered by the residual vinegar smell, you can eliminate it by sprinkling a thin layer of baking soda over the mattress and vacuuming it off once it has absorbed the vinegar odor. Alternatively, airing out the mattress for a few days can also help dissipate the vinegar smell.

How Do I Get Rid Of Mattress Odor?

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Removing Odor with Enzyme Cleaner

Step 1: Prepare the enzyme cleaner

Enzyme cleaners are specifically designed to break down organic matter and eliminate odors. Follow the instructions on the cleaner’s packaging to properly prepare the solution.

Step 2: Apply the cleaner to the affected area

Identify the areas of the mattress that have odor issues, such as stains or pet accidents. Apply the enzyme cleaner directly to these spots, ensuring full coverage. Avoid oversaturating the mattress, as excess moisture could lead to mold or mildew growth.

Step 3: Let the cleaner sit

Allow the enzyme cleaner to sit on the mattress for the recommended amount of time specified in the product instructions. This will give the enzymes sufficient time to break down the odor-causing substances.

Step 4: Blot and rinse

After the designated time has passed, blot the treated areas with a clean cloth or paper towels to absorb excess moisture. If the cleaner requires rinsing, lightly dampen a cloth with water and gently blot the treated areas to remove any residue.

Step 5: Allow the mattress to dry

To ensure the mattress dries completely, allow it to air dry in a well-ventilated area. This will prevent any lingering moisture and help prevent the development of mold or mildew.

Freshening Up with Essential Oils

Step 1: Choose your essential oils

Select your favorite essential oils or a combination of scents that appeal to you. Lavender, eucalyptus, and lemon are popular choices for their refreshing and calming properties.

Step 2: Create a mixture

In a small spray bottle, combine a few drops of your chosen essential oils with water. The exact ratio will depend on your preference, but typically, 10-15 drops per cup of water should suffice.

Step 3: Spritz the mattress

Evenly mist the essential oil mixture onto the surface of the mattress. Be sure not to saturate it to avoid damage or a damp sleeping environment.

Step 4: Allow the oils to absorb

After spraying, leave the mattress undisturbed and allow the essential oils to absorb into the fabric. This will impart a pleasant scent and help neutralize any existing odors.

Step 5: Enjoy the pleasant scent

Once the essential oils have had time to fully absorb, you can make the bed with fresh sheets and enjoy the pleasant fragrance as you drift off to sleep. Essential oils not only freshen the mattress but can also promote relaxation and improve sleep quality.

How Do I Get Rid Of Mattress Odor?

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Using Steam Cleaning to Eliminate Odor

Step 1: Prepare the steam cleaner

If you have access to a steam cleaner, fill it with distilled water according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Steam cleaning utilizes heat and moisture to remove dirt, stains, and odors from a variety of surfaces, including mattresses.

Step 2: Test on a small area

Before proceeding, test the steam cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area of the mattress to ensure it doesn’t cause any damage or discoloration. Once you’ve confirmed its suitability, you can proceed to clean the entire mattress.

Step 3: Steam clean the mattress

Using the appropriate attachment for mattresses or upholstery, steam clean the entire surface of the mattress. Move the cleaner in slow, overlapping strokes, ensuring thorough coverage. The steam will penetrate the fabric, breaking down and lifting away dirt and odors.

Step 4: Let the mattress dry

After steam cleaning, allow the mattress to dry completely before making the bed. This may take several hours, depending on factors such as humidity and airflow. Ensure the mattress is fully dry to prevent mold or mildew growth.

Dealing with Urine Odors

Step 1: Act promptly

When dealing with urine odors on a mattress, it’s crucial to act promptly to minimize the extent of the problem. The longer urine sits, the more difficult it becomes to remove the odor.

Step 2: Blot the urine

Using clean towels or paper towels, gently blot the area to absorb as much urine as possible. Avoid rubbing or pressing too hard, as this can push the urine deeper into the mattress.

Step 3: Apply an enzymatic cleaner

Enzymatic cleaners are highly effective at neutralizing urine odors. Apply the cleaner directly to the affected area, following the instructions on the product’s packaging.

Step 4: Allow the cleaner to sit

Leave the enzymatic cleaner on the mattress for the specified duration recommended on the packaging. This will give the enzymes sufficient time to break down the urine and eliminate the odor-causing compounds.

Step 5: Dry the mattress thoroughly

After the designated time has passed, blot the treated area with clean towels or paper towels to remove any excess moisture. Allow the mattress to air dry completely, ensuring it is thoroughly dry before making the bed. This will prevent any residual odor and inhibit the growth of mold or mildew.

How Do I Get Rid Of Mattress Odor?

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Getting Rid of Mold and Mildew Odor

Step 1: Identify and locate the mold

If you suspect mold or mildew on your mattress, it’s important to locate and identify the affected areas. Look for visible signs, such as discoloration, dark spots, or a musty odor. Mold and mildew can be harmful, so it’s crucial to address the issue promptly.

Step 2: Dry the affected area

Before treating the mold or mildew, ensure the affected area is completely dry. Open windows, use fans, or consider using a dehumidifier to promote airflow and reduce moisture levels. This will help prevent the spread of mold spores during the cleaning process.

Step 3: Apply vinegar and hydrogen peroxide

Create a cleaning solution by mixing equal parts distilled white vinegar and hydrogen peroxide. Apply the solution to the affected areas, using a clean cloth or spray bottle. These substances are effective at killing mold and neutralizing its odor.

Step 4: Remove mold stains

To remove any lingering mold stains, gently scrub the treated areas using a soft brush or sponge. Be cautious not to damage the fabric or push the mold further into the mattress. Rinse the cloth or sponge regularly in clean water to avoid spreading mold spores.

Step 5: Prevent future mold growth

To prevent mold and mildew from returning, take steps to reduce moisture levels in the bedroom. Use a dehumidifier, open windows for ventilation, and ensure the mattress remains dry at all times. Investing in a breathable mattress and regularly cleaning and maintaining it can also help prevent future growth.


Maintaining a fresh and odor-free mattress is essential for a comfortable and healthy sleep environment. By understanding the causes of mattress odor and implementing preventive measures, such as using a mattress protector, regularly washing bedding, and vacuuming the mattress, you can significantly reduce the risk of unpleasant smells.

In the event of mattress odor, there are various methods you can utilize to eliminate the problem. Whether it’s using baking soda, vinegar, enzyme cleaners, essential oils, or steam cleaning, each approach offers its own benefits. Acting promptly, following the specific steps outlined, and ensuring thorough drying are key to successfully removing odors.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of your mattress, along with practicing good hygiene habits and keeping pets off the bed, can go a long way in preventing odor issues. However, if odor problems persist or become severe, it may be necessary to seek professional help to ensure a thorough and effective solution.

By prioritizing the freshness of your mattress and taking proactive steps to eliminate and prevent odors, you can enjoy a restful night’s sleep in a clean and pleasant environment.

How Do I Get Rid Of Mattress Odor?

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Billy Reed
I'm Billy Reed, an author and sleep enthusiast. I've dedicated my life to helping people get the best sleep possible by researching, testing, and writing reviews on sleeping mattresses. With over ten years of experience in the sleep industry, I'm proud to be the go-to source for unbiased reviews of the best mattresses on the market. From the newest memory foam mattresses to the tried-and-true innerspring beds, I'm here to help you make the best choice for a great night's sleep.